Music I like from artists you've never heard of

Pretty much exactly what the title says. 🤷

  1. Kid Quill

    This album makes me reminisce about home back in Indiana. Great nostalgic indie rap album.

  2. Goblincore? Goblincore.

  3. The latest album from my favorite artist. This album is a work of art that deserves to be listened to straight through with your good headphones.

  4. The Narcissist Cookbook

    Another one that fully deserves your undivided listening attention. Just trust me.

  5. Wic Whitney

    I found this artist through my Discover weekly. I think they have a really unique voice and fun style.

Music I like from artists you've never heard of is an album list curated by Zac Straub:

I'm an IT guy by trade. I think music is great and what you listen to can say a lot about you.

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