A Hard Day's Night (Remastered) by The Beatles

A Hard Day's Night (Remastered)

by The Beatles

This album has been added to 3 public lists:

  • Montage of album covers from Favorite Albums of All Time  list

    Favorite Albums of All Time



    "I've got a chip on my shoulder that's bigger than my feet

    I can't talk to people that I meet

    If I could see you now, I'd try to make you sad somehow

    But I can't, so I'll cry instead."

    My dad bought this when I was a little kid (the American version with muzak versions of a few of the songs). But it's not on this list for mere sentimental reasons; it's a great album with some of the tightest, most finely crafted pop/rock 'n roll songs ever.

  • Montage of album covers from summer interlude list
  • Montage of album covers from fav albums list

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