Random Access Memories
by Daft Punk
This album has been added to 4 private lists and 15 public lists:
My top 50 Albums of all time.
Daft Punk are such an influential band that have forever changed the genre of electronic music as we know it. This album in particular showcased all the different ways that they have learnt to conduct and compose with synths, sampling and sound. Along with being a brilliant magnum opus this album also is a grand goodbye for the band and in the best way possible leaves me wanting more from them. Robotic French men have a way with instruments. Giorgio we love you!
Joe's First Albums
In the car with Dad
The Archive
Perhaps my favorite album from 2013 and perhaps one of the stand-out artworks of the 2010s.
Listening Log, April-May-June 2023
- 2023-05-04 THU I recently found these memes and was inspired to listen the album again. sooo goood still. 😢
Rinse and Repeat
Summers in Duluth with the breeze from the lake.
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