Crystal Nuns Cathedral by Guided By Voices

Crystal Nuns Cathedral

by Guided By Voices

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  • Montage of album covers from 2022-11-28 - Stuff I listened to this week list

    2022-11-28 - Stuff I listened to this week

    Pete Brown

    Over the years, the only people I've run into who are into GBV are really into GBV. The band's music has never done much for me—I don't dislike it, but it's not anything that compels me to go out of my way to listen to it. All of which is to say that I approached this record without a lot of enthusiasm, and was therefor pretty amazed at how much I like it. One listen, and I'm already considering it for my favorites-of-the-year list. This is just really good rock, with a lived-in, weathered feel to it. Excellent.

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