Oracular Spectacular
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a great electronic pop album. i don't think i've ever met anyone that doesn't actively like this album
My top 50 Albums of all time.
Oracular Spectacular, is a crazy take on synth pop pioneered by a couple of college dropouts playing disco tech beats out of there dorm room. I thoroughly enjoy MGMT as a band but also as a listening experience, because there's always intricate things I'll notice even after the 10th time replaying one song. Weekend Wars is so catchy that it is still in my head and I have avoided hearing it for around 4 months now.
I would have sworn that I hadn’t heard anything by this band, but then the track Kids kicked in with an infectious beat and hooked me in. This has a fun, glam, 70s vibe, reminding me somewhat of Sparks in it’s variety although the vocalist is nowhere near a match for Russell Mael when he attempts a falsetto on Of Moons, Birds and Monsters. A promising debut album that has put them on my listening radar.
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