The Artist in the Ambulance - Revisited by Thrice

The Artist in the Ambulance - Revisited

by Thrice

This album has been added to 1 private list and 2 public lists:

  • Montage of album covers from Vinyl record collection list

    Vinyl record collection

    Jason Crabtree

    The Artist In The Ambulance (Revisited) is what this record always should have sounded like. Same great songs, but with the raw power of their live show.

  • Montage of album covers from My favorite albums of all time list

    My favorite albums of all time

    Jason Crabtree

    A lot of Thrice fans will say their favorite record is Vheissu. That's a great record, but The Artist In The Ambulance dropped at a very pivotal point in my life. Dustin's lyrics full of literary and mythological references wrapped in sociopolitical metaphor fascinated me. I'm adding the Revisited version of the album that came out last year because this is how it always should have sounded.

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