The Greater Wings by Julie Byrne

The Greater Wings

by Julie Byrne

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    Best, Favorite, & Most Interesting Albums Of 2023

    Mark Harrison
    • Genre: Indie folk, astral, coffeehouse.

    • Influenced by: Joni Mitchell, Carole King, Frank O'Hara, Kenneth Patchen, Adrienne Rich.

    • Similar artists: Joanna Sternberg, Jess Williamson, Kara Jackson, Blake Mills.

    • About this album: The third studio album by American folk singer-songwriter Julie Byrne. The album focuses on grief, including the death of musical collaborator and romantic partner Eric Littmann. It was partially recorded with Littmann prior to his death and completed posthumously with producer Alex Somers. One of the best reviewed albums of 2023. Dreamy, cosmic folk. In what has been something of a trend this year amongst the singer-songwriter set, Byrne followed up with an EP released late in the year, Julie Byrne with Laugh Cry Laugh, which has also garnered positive reviews from critics.

    • Metacritic Score: 91 (Universal Acclaim).

    • Grammy Nominations: None. How this didn’t get nominated for Best Contemporary Folk Album is beyond my understanding.

    • Song To Sample: Summer Glass.

  • Montage of album covers from Best New To Me Of 2023 list

    Best New To Me Of 2023


    I liked, but didn't love, Julie Byrne's previous albums, but this one really struck a chord with me for some reason. It's mostly travis picked guitar or piano. Very spare. Pretty mellow for the most part. But the melodies start to stick after a few spins. It's mostly about the death of one of her best friends who helped produce her previous albums. I turn this on, often, when I have nothing else I want to listen to it and always delivers.

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    New releases I’m interested in

    Pete Brown

    I get why people like this album but I think it’s not for me. Too whispery and ethereal—all the tracks kind of blend together to my ear. I think maybe if I were a person who listens to music primarily for the lyrics—I don’t ignore them completely but they are not usually what I’m there for—I might get more out of this one.

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  • Montage of album covers from Folk Albums of 2023  list

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