LP1 by FKA twigs


by FKA twigs

This album has been added to 3 private lists and 5 public lists:

  • EUSEXUA by FKA twigs CAPRISONGS by FKA twigs MAGDALENE by FKA twigs LP1 by FKA twigs

    FKA twigs


    The opener reminds me of early Grimes, especially the vocals in the intro. That isn’t to say twigs copied someone here, because she puts her spin on anything that inspires her and eventually gives birth to something totally new.

    This minimalist pop sound she’s using with minimal instrumentation while making heavy use of various frequencies of bass is a stark contrast to her sophomore MAGDALENE. She combines this minimalist instrumentation with very intense production throughout the chorus. Take the electric guitar sample or the car alarm for instance.

    This style of production is consistent throughout the album. On Two Weeks, she employs low-frequency synths that guide the entire song, but intensify during the chorus.

    Her sound is very distinctly her with everything she does and being able to see her career as a whole as a new listener is a privilege. I’ve always said we needed more innovation in pop music and it turns out I was just not looking for it properly.

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    Jason Lingard

    Electronica, Alt-Pop, Alt-RnB

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    001 january 2024


    01/11/24 ❀ wonderful and beautiful album I see myself revisiting on chilly and contemplative mornings…

  • Montage of album covers from vinyl dreams list

    vinyl dreams


    i bought like 3 copies of this on cd lol

  • Montage of album covers from Favorite album covers of all time list

    Favorite album covers of all time


    Hyper-real artwork by Jesse Kanda, showing Twigs between reality and fantasy. I love how vivid the face looks.

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