Delaware by Drop Nineteens


by Drop Nineteens

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    Albums I Love


    Another shoegaze album, the tracks are pretty hit or miss compared to other albums, but the good tracks are really good.

    Favorite Tracks: Delaware, Winona, Kick The Tragedy

  • Montage of album covers from Masterpiece list



    Delaware is such a great shoegazey type of album, so perfect!! Drop Nineteens should have been more my opinion, they rival My Bloody Valentine! I don't have too much to say about this album, it's just a good listen. Kick The Tragedy is my favorite track. The almost nine minute song is a gorgeous blend of distortion pedals, dreamy synth, and this beautiful poem around halfway through. I don't think it really means anything in particular, but I think I understand it. This song evokes the feeling of a warm summer night, crickets chirping and frogs croaking. Gentle breeze brushing your face and nothing will ever be like this again, but its okay, we have this moment and thats all we need.

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