Live on The Green by Sam Wilkes

Live on The Green

by Sam Wilkes

This album has been added to 2 public lists:

  • Manson Dust by Weatherbox Child's Play by Alice Phoebe Lou Live on The Green by Sam Wilkes Seed of a Seed by Haley Heynderickx

    Briefly Rotating


    Sam Wilkes and company are really just some of my favorite jazz/experimental artists at the moment. This album really got me through a tough time. Not enough can be said about the wonderful tonality and overall cohesiveness of this specific live performance. All the players were really in the pocket together for this one.

  • Montage of album covers from KNOWER and Friends list

    KNOWER and Friends

    KNOWER's part-time bassist. You'd think Sam's solo stuff would be super funky, but it's entirely different in its own beautiful way.

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