Darkness On the Edge of Town by Bruce Springsteen

Darkness On the Edge of Town

by Bruce Springsteen

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  • Montage of album covers from Favorite Albums of All Time  list

    Favorite Albums of All Time



    "Daddy worked his whole life for nothing but the pain

    Now he walks these empty rooms looking for something to blame

    But you inherit the sins, you inherit the flames..."

    When this album first came out, the music press was raving about it as if it were the Second Coming. Of course I resisted the hype, to the point of writing “B.S.” on the cassette I used to record it from the radio. After the hoopla died down I was finally able to reassess it objectively, and came around to appreciating it as a great album.

  • Montage of album covers from My Personal Canon list
  • Montage of album covers from college list

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