The Heart Of Saturday Night (Remastered) by Tom Waits

The Heart Of Saturday Night (Remastered)

by Tom Waits

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  • Bad As Me (Deluxe Edition Remastered) by Tom Waits Orphans: Brawlers, Bawlers & Bastards (Remastered) by Tom Waits Real Gone by Tom Waits Blood Money by Tom Waits

    Tom Waits

    Neil Hopkins

    Somewhat more sentimental than the first album, but taking an interesting diversion into a sort of beat poetry on the track The Ghosts of Saturday Night with such memorable and evocative lines as :

    ‘As he dreams of a waitress with Maxwell House Eyes And marmalade thighs’

    I can’t help but be immediately transported to a down at heel pizza parlor or a run down Texaco station in a two bit town in the middle of nowhere.

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