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Some albums start strong and fade. Or maybe there's a few tracks in the middle that are great. This isn't a list for those. These are albums that start strong, stay strong, and keep me coming back.
Cult of Luna, Julie Christmas
My favorite (?) Cult of Luna album. Maybe? Maybe Eternal Kingdom? Anyway I saw this live in NYC—with Julie Christmas and all. Powerful.
Manchester Orchestra
Songwriting and Andy Hull's voice is so expressive.
A staple of stoner doom. It's worth it.
The Antlers
Sad and wonderful.
Pink Floyd
This is my favorite Pink Floyd album. Hot take, I know. Especially with "When the Tigers Broke Free." I discovered it in college and it had a profound effect on me. Lovely album (though problematic in places).
Tom Waits
Picking a Tom Waits album is hard. A lot of people might say Rain Dogs or Swordfishtrombones. (Maybe not? I don't know what the Tom Waits fandom likes most.)
I might say Small Change or Closing Time on another day. He's so good. But I used to listen to this every Saturday Night around 2006-2007.
Hum is one of those bands that stays in my head. I love their sound. I love the subject matter—even though it's way out there at times. I really love their sound and The Scientists is one of my favorite songs of all time.
Ben Folds Five
I had a long streak of listening to Ben Folds Five (and Ben Folds' solo stuff). But, Whatever and Ever, Amen captures something about them that no other album did. They weren't super polished yet. It feels like a time and place—a small bar in Chapel Hill.
Evaporated was on repeat back in the day.
This is the album I listen to when I fly. I don't know why, but it's perfect for some reason. Great songwriting and storytelling.
Crash Test Dummies
Sure they were kind of a "joke" band way back when. Not to themselves, but I remember people just not taking them seriously. This album is SO good. Great stories and super talented. Brad Roberts' voice is incredible.
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