Cisco Golden Circles

My favorite albums

  1. Sloop John B makes me laugh and whimper simultaneously, like the same feeling when i close a baggie and yellow and blue make green. You know there's an order to the universe and it probably sounds like this.

  2. Dusty Springfield

    Despite the fact that this doesn't have my favorite Dusty pop, it's most definitely her at her finest.

  3. The Zombies

    The kings of that special moment right between the sixties and seventies. Care of Cell 44 is genius.

  4. Willie Nelson

    Same as Bowie. I feel like the '62 Willie really explains why he got so popular. He could croon. Hello walls?

  5. David Bowie

    Deep cuts for Bowie lovers, IMO. If you can't love the original moment where the branching happens, then I think you miss out on appreciating how the bravado of the later years found its roots.

  6. Tulsa Queen makes my heart break every time i hear it.

  7. Patti Smith

    I mean. All hail the priestess of punk poetics. She's in her seventies and she's still kickin' and spittin' beautiful stuff.

  8. PJ Harvey

    This album made it possible for me to exist in the world. It matched how I felt inside more than probably any other album ever.

  9. Cocteau Twins

    This album made everything okay. A daily escape waiting around every city corner.

Cisco Golden Circles is an album list curated by Cisco Guzman.

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