Cheap Grills by Sincere Engineer

Cheap Grills

by Sincere Engineer

This album has been added to 2 public lists:

  • Montage of album covers from Concerts I’ve been to since the pandemic started list

    Concerts I’ve been to since the pandemic started

    Matthew Lettini

    A fun concert with fun pits from one of my favorite finds of 2023. This album came out this year, and while myself and the crowd loved it, they were going more crazy for the band's 2017 release Rhombithian. Their rock sits at the intersection between angry, fun, depressed, happy, and heavy—they're the perfect band for me.

  • Montage of album covers from 2023 Albums list

    2023 Albums

    Matthew Lettini

    I first heard Fireplace months ago when it came up on a radio shuffle, and I love me an angry bop. Was surprised to find it was an early single. The albums now out and the whole thing sounds much tighter than their previous efforts, well done. I expect they’re going places.

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