by Frank Ocean
This album has been added to 8 private lists and 24 public lists:
My top 50 Albums of all time.
Oh, it hurts my soul and persuades my tear ducts. And I can't help but love it for that. I cried just thinking about it while I wrote this. It's a cry for help in its purest form, it's reminiscing on things that could have been; it's acceptance of the way things are, it's sad to see another day go by with nothing having changed. I miss Frank Ocean even though I don't know the guy. He touched our souls so delicately and politely. It is beautiful for the fact that he made it because he had to, he had to share his trauma and crushing grief with the world because he couldn't hold onto it by himself. This album healed a part of me and broke another so it needed to be on this list.
dizz’s top 10
its just a fond farewell to a friend
March @ The Den
This track is still one of the most played songs in my iTunes. Proud about it - Frank is one of the greatest musicians of our generation.
Альбом який ніколи мені не набридне.
Цього року слухав його менше ніж минулого, але це нічого не значить, бо в будь який момент у мене знову може наступити період одержимості цим альбомом. І коли він наступить, то я вже буду слухати його на вінілі! У мене вийшло замовити вініл з офіційного сайту і він прямо зараз їде до мене з США. Досі не віриться.
Мій вініл
В дорозі до мене. Досі не віриться що він у мене буде.
Favorite album covers of all time
Iconic photo shot by Wolfgang Tillmans.
My favorite albums
Deeply introspective, I connect with the themes here—love, loss, identity.
indie favs :)
Album got me through a rough patch in life.
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