by Adrianne Lenker
This album has been added to 1 private list and 9 public lists:
Top 30ish
Standouts: Two reverse, ingydar, anything
Painted Album Covers
Released 2020 on 4AD. Painting by Diane Lee.
Best Albums Of 2020
Adrianne Lenker Songs. Anything might be the most beautiful song of the year
My Favorite Albums
Folk // Acoustic // Soothing // LGBT // nature
Home girl went to a cabin in the middle of the woods and recorded this album on an old recorder. Just amazing vocals and a guitar. You can sometimes literally hear the birds and rain sounds in the background. Don’t get me started on the writing on this bad boy either. I think this is her most popular album but that’s for good reason. Listen to Two Reverse, Forwards beckon rebound, and not a lot just forever.
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