Quadrophenia by The Who


by The Who

This album has been added to 1 private list and 2 public lists:

  • Montage of album covers from Favorite Albums of All Time  list

    Favorite Albums of All Time


    "Why do I have to move with a crowd of kids that hardly notice I'm around?

    I work myself to death just to fit in..."

    A relentless rock 'n roll onslaught spanning two albums. When they were at the top of their game as they are here, the Who were one of the best rock BANDS around, with John Entwistle and Keith Moon among the best rock bassists and drummers ever. Not to mention Pete Townshend's guitars and his pioneering, painstaking synthesizer work.

  • Montage of album covers from Best albums ever recorded by mankind  list

    Best albums ever recorded by mankind


    The "Real Me". Best bass/drum work in rock history. First album I really identified with. It spoke to me during my "Mod rebellion" in high school.

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