Sexless Demons and Scars by Jack Off Jill

Sexless Demons and Scars

by Jack Off Jill

This album has been added to 2 public lists:

  • Montage of album covers from 2023 listening 3: march list

    2023 listening 3: march


    haha get it? cuz my names jack? but like im also jill but you wouldnt know that cuz i really only go by jill when im talking to another jack to avoid confusionokay so my friend made a joke with this band because of that. and i had never listened to jack off jill despite hearing about them so i decided to give em a try. and honestly? not every song clicked with me but most did, and it was probably the most satisfying album listening session ive ever had. definitely gonna check out their other stuff soon.

  • Montage of album covers from fav albums!!!!!!! list

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