1. Lenny Kravitz

    I'm pregnant.

  2. Sugartape

    From mama's basement.

  3. Desert Sessions

    A soup made of rock stars. Josh Homme, Billy Gibbons, Stella Mozgawa and others. Holy Hell.

  4. The Claypool Lennon Delirium

    If Pink Floyd and the Beatles had a child.

  5. Team Sleep

    Chino Moreno's fantastic project.

  6. Agents Of Oblivion

    Dax Riggs, one hell of a vocalist

  7. Linda Perry

    Great voice and vibe.

  8. Mad Season

    One of Layne's finest.

  9. Nirvana

    Their best.

Rock is an album list curated by Dănuț:

Some albums I love, listed by their genres (as perceived by me). Ordered within each genre by the release date.

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