The Dark Side of the Moon
by Pink Floyd
This album has been added to 4 private lists and 18 public lists:
When I was a kid, the local radio station would sometimes play classic rock albums in full late at night. I remember sitting out in the garden on a warm August evening, watching for meteors and listening to this album for the first time. It still has the power to send shivers up my spine, even after 40 years and countless listens. It’s nice to see that Clare Torry finally gets a writing credit for Great Gig in the Sky - her voice is the highlight of this!
My top 50 Albums of all time.
The Dark Side of the Moon is psychedelic for its sound scape and use of electrical mixing and mastering. However the album is also psychotic for what it attempts and aims to achieve, the more you listen the more it becomes lunacy because you realise it has achieved what it set out for. A sound that no one could replicate and a raw feeling that no one could understand in words, only in emotion. This album introduced me to Pink Floyd and the capabilities of sad British people in the arts. Truly wonderous.
Favorite Albums of All Time
”’Forward!’ he cried from the rear
And the front rank died
The general sat, and the lines on the map
Moved from side to side…”
There's a good reason this album spent a total of over 17.5 YEARS on the Billboard album chart (and not just because it's a trippy stoner album!) This is one of the earliest and best examples of the effective use of sound design on a music album, which contributes to it feeling like a mini movie. This album is to sound design in recorded music what 2001: A Space Odyssey was to special effects in movies. There are so many iconic sounds (the heartbeat, the clocks, the spacy journey of “On the Run,” the interview snippets, the cash register), but there are classic musical performances as well: the choir, the sax, Clare Tory’s incredible wordless vocal solo, and David Gilmour’s soaring guitar solos. A towering classic.
FIFS music run
❤︎ hated it as a kid, adore it now - i have matured
2023 Concerts
Sunday, August 6 | Actually it was Brit Floyd I saw.
Saturday, November 19 | Saw them again at a more-local venue, and with two of my children! -
Marvin's top twenty-ish albums
Pink Floyd was "94.7 KMET" or "95.5 KLOS" music in the 80's and I didn't really listen to that (preferring 106.7 KROQ). I went to a Laserium show at the Griffith Park Observatory set to this complete album, and I became a fan.
All Time Favorites
This is the band that got me into music on a deeper level. DSotM is my favorite of their albums. (1973)
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