Summer 2024

Standout albums from the summer of 2024

  1. School Of Seven Bells

    This posthumous album wouldn't exist without the courage of Alejandra Deheza diving back into her lost partner's laptop to find the musical pieces he left behind and resolve them into a finished album. The process must have been healing because, even though the pain of her loss is evident, an intimate hope permeates throughout. Recommended Track: Ablaze

  2. In a similar way to contemporaries like Orbital and Underworld, Fluke made albums that were designed to be listened to in full. Sure, some tracks were pulled out for singles but the melodic flow of the entire album is where the real joy in listening can be found. Recommended Track: Groovy Feeling

  3. Various Artists

    Easily one of the most influential albums to me ever. This has been in my yearly rotation ever since I bought it on tape back in 1992. Before this album, British meant The Beatles but after my ears were opened to the then-new electronic dance sounds coming out of the country, my tastes were forever changed. Recommended Track: Papua New Guinea - 7" original

  4. Poe

    When I bought this album in the middle of my sophomore year of high school, I had no idea that I was about to listen to a piece of art. It's a crime that so few people know about it. This is the album that birthed Alanis Morissette's Jagged Little Pill and helped her brother, Mark Danielewski, write the novel House of Leaves. Listen past the 90's grunge tracks and you'll find artistic fusions of electronic, jazz, and hip-hop. Recommended Track: Dolphin

  5. Halo Maud

    I enjoyed Halo Maude's 2024 album, Celebrate, so I figured I needed to give her 2018 one a try and found there's lots to like. The less "driven" rhythms of this album gives it the pacing of summer; the tracks encouraging you to slow down and bask in them without demanding you pay close attention. As the kids say, "It's a vibe." Recommended track: Du pouvoir/power

Summer 2024 is an album list curated by Greg Moore:

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