OK Computer
by Radiohead
This album has been added to 14 private lists and 30 public lists:
My top 50 Albums of all time.
How surreal. This album changed music forever and how I perceive it. For me Radiohead are amazing for their sounds and jarring use of electrical guitar along with other instruments. Ok Computer is a crazy combination of different songs that spark contrast throughout the whole album and yet it manages to remain one whole piece of work. Karma Police is a personal favourite on this album right next to Climbing up the Walls. Definitely something everyone should listen to.
20 album covers that shaped my musical preferences
Surely on many people's lists. In addition to great music, this was when I started to see the potential for music as art, rather than just entertainment.
Booze and Vinyl Albums I Want
Goes with: Whizz Bang, Pu-erh Old Fashioned
My Favorite Albums
Changed my life.
My Favorite Albums
Phew. For a minute there...I lost myself
My Top 10 of the Rolling Stone Top 50
A weird, wonderful classic.
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