In Rainbows
by Radiohead
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Alternative rock (modern rock) band from Oxfordshire, England (United Kingdom).
The name Radiohead comes from the Talking Heads song, "Radio Head", from the "True Stories" album.
Formed by school friends in 1985, Radiohead did not release their first single until 1992's "Drill EP". The cathartic "Creep", from the debut album "Pablo Honey" (1993), became a worldwide hit as grunge music dominated radio airwaves.
Favorite album covers of all time
From Wikipedia: Describing the album cover, Donwood said: "It's very colourful — I've finally embraced colour! It's a rainbow but it is very toxic, it's more like the sort of one you'd see in a puddle."
My Favorite Albums Ever
Perfect. Start to finish. When I think about Radiohead, I usually put this one on.
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My favorite albums
Stripped-down, poetic, and emotionally resonant.
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